In 2014 we spent 3 days on Folkestone Harbour attempting to collaborate with the weather [DIY 12 Atmospheric Pressure: Performance vs Weather, hosted by Folkestone Fringe]. Whilst some of our participants fell for the easterly wind, we fell for Folkestone and the force of nature that is Folkestone Fringe. We are delighted to be returning in 2017 with our Porous City project, reimagined for Folkestone Harbour Arm and part of the Folkestone Fringe EDGE: PUSH/PULL programme.
Explore Folkestone’s Harbour Arm through a unique ‘lens’, with a site-specific temporary tattoo from Etheridge & Persighetti’s seaside booth. The artists transfer textures, features and viewpoints of the place on to participants skin, to create a series of images and encounters that blur the edges between harbour and body, stone and skin.
“To wander through a diverse terrain is to feel the surroundings pass through one’s body as the body passes through the surroundings…”
Robin, C. Moore, Childhood’s Domain
Through playful interaction, photography, and conversation, Porous Harbour explores how the places we spend time in become part of our own mental and physical architecture. Visitors are invited to become intimately familiar with part of the material fabric of the place they are passing through. Hands become canvas, recording and re-presenting captured images of the harbour-scape. Conversations invite reflection upon the porous push and pull of the places we live in and pass through.
Free. No need to book. Come and find us on the Harbour Arm between 12:00 and 17:00, 16th September 2017